FAQ: Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Review the frequently asked questions about our latest FireMate Desktop security enhancement!

Q. What is a Virtual Private Network?

A. A VPN is a secure tunnel that encrypts all data transmitted between your Windows PC and FireMate's servers. This means your sensitive information is now further safeguarded against the risk of data breaches and unauthorised access.

Q. Do I need to install the VPN on all devices?

A. No. Only the devices you access FireMate Desktop on will require the update. FireMate Mobile/Field App users do not require this software; only FireMate Administrators accessing FireMate Desktop from Windows-based laptops/computers. 

Q. Why do I need to install the VPN?

A. As part of our ongoing commitment to security and privacy, we're introducing an additional layer of security to your FireMate Desktop system through the deployment of a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Q. Is it possible to opt out of using the VPN Client?

A. No. Your FireMate Windows Desktop will not operate in the future without the VPN Client.

Q. Do FireMate Mobile App or Customer Portal users need to install the VPN Client?

A. No. The VPN Client is only required for the Windows-based FireMate Desktop system.

Q. How much does the VPN Client cost?

A. There is no cost for the VPN Client - this security enhancement is included in your FireMate subscription.

Q. What do I need to do now?

A. Head over to this article in our Knowledge Base to install the VPN Client software.