Custom Invoices

Do you have clients with specific invoice requirements? Custom Invoices may be your answer.

Product: FireMate Desktop


  1. Purpose
  2. Create a Custom Invoice
  3. Recurrence or Manual Generation
  4. Manual Generation
  5. Automatic Generation
  6. How to view a Custom Invoice
  7. How to search for Custom Invoices


Custom Invoicing allows licensees to raise invoices in the format their client desires.

Licensees have the ability to customise the line items and can also select the recurrence of these invoices on an automatic schedule.

Create a Custom Invoice

  • Navigate to the Customer Details section and select the [Custom Invoices] tab
  • Select [+ Create New Invoice]
  • Add in a [Description] for your invoice
  • If you want the property name listed on the invoice, fill in the [Contract] and [Property] details.
  • If not, these fields can be left blank.

Recurrence or Manual Generation

  • Complete [Line Items] for the invoice, include Price and [Account Code].
  • Set Recurrence for this invoice if required:
    • If the invoice is to be generated only once select [None (One Time Only)] and save.
    • Alternatively select [On the following schedule] and tick required months.
  • By selecting [Manual Generation Only], the invoice template will sit in the invoice generator available for generation when required.

Manual Generation

  • If you have opted for manual generation , you can generate the invoice in the [Billing//Invoice manager] menu:
  • Select the [Custom Invoices] tab.
  • Highlight the Invoice to generate and select [Generate Selected] button.

Automatic Generation

  • If you have opted for the automatic generation , the invoice will automatically generate on the set scheduled dates.
  • It will appear in the [Email/Print Invoices] tab ready to be sent.

How to view a Custom Invoice

  • Go to the [Email/Print Invoices] tab
  • highlight the invoice,
  • select [View Details].
  • Send invoice as per your standard process.

Please note that Custom Invoices only show on the Customer Dashboard.

How to search for Custom Invoices

  • Go to the [Search Menu]
  • under [Item:] select [Invoices]
  • under [Invoice type:] select [Line Item].